What are Templates?

To use the Templates in Vumu, please follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 01: Select the “Templates” icon located in the left panel of the dashboard.

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Step 02:

You will be directed to the template page, where you can view all available templates. Click on the "GET" button to utilize these templates.

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Step 03:

You have the flexibility to categorize your templates and locate them by category or by utilizing the search bar.

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Step 04:

When you open a template, you can either “Replace” or “Add a video” by clicking the respective buttons provided.

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Step 05: Navigate to the right panel arrow and access Video Settings, which will allow you to add a CTA (Call to Action) and thumbnail.

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Step 06:

Within the same panel, select “Theme Settings” to customize theme colors or choose from predefined themes.

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