How do you add a clip branding on the account level:
- Account Branding: Establish consistent branding preferences for all your video clips.
- Customize font styles to match your brand's aesthetics using the branding feature.
- Experiment with various layouts to create visually engaging content.
- Apply the changes and save them once you are satisfied with your video.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Add a clip branding on account level
Step 01:
Click on "Branding" to explore account branding options.

Step 02: Auto Caption
Step 03: Caption Position
- Clicking on "Caption Position" allows you to pick from different options like Auto, Top, Middle, and Bottom for the caption placement.

Step 04: (Logo, CTA)
- You can upload the Logo, and CTA by clicking on "Screen Overlay," whichever you want to use for your own account branding

- Once the logo is uploaded, you can preview it on the right side of the page.